Monday, April 6, 2009

Wedding Event Loves Local Farmers

Spring is in the Air and Farmers' Markets are just around the corner!

We love our local farmers, and more to the point we adore their amazing produce! We are highlighting four farmers at our Local Creative Wedding Fair; Back River Farm, Wake Robin Farm, Meadows Mirth Farm, and Wildroot Farm. Ever thought of giving, or better receiving a weekly share of local veggies as a wedding gift? Maybe you could have local harvest on your wedding table. Appetizers?!!! At our event you can gain information on buying a CSA (community supported agriculture) share of produce for the lucky couple, gift certificates to the whole seacoast regions many farmers markets and how much more ecological & healthy it is to buy local food. What about a harvest of flowers for your celebration? Just these four farming heros alone provide produce to some of the most heralded restaurants from Portsmouth to Kennebunkport. For more information about local produce check out the Seacoast Growers Association.

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