Sunday, June 14, 2009

Walk in the Woods Engagement

A truly beautiful spot at the right time of day!

Yes, a very hollywood of old pose, dashing couple in front of turbulent falls. How cinematically romantic. Maria & Eduardo are much more down-to-earth than this images suggests, but it was fun to create.

I had a great afternoon hiking with Maria & Eduardo right nearby both of our homes. They love the outdoors and so do I. Originally, we were going to drive further North to capture some engagement shots on a nature preserve in Wells, Maine. But the light was just right when we got together so a more local walk was the perfect choice. It was great to share one of my favorite close hikes in the little town of Gonic, NH. A waterfall in our backyard. A dramatic setting for a very laid back couple. Really it was just a gentle walk in the woods. Here's to sharing a lovely afternoon with such fun people.

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